Command: MoveToIntersection / CopyToIntersection / StretchToIntersection
This function allows to move / copy / stretch objects from specified Basepoint to the calculated intersection point of xlines the user would normally have to construct to define that point. The application have mode to move/copy/stretch "independet" objects (that is - laying anywhere). and dependent objects such as objects laying in specific relation to other objects (like pipe and the fitting at the ond of it). Program operates in XY (2D) plane of the current view ("ucs view").
Picking of points has to be performed in the following order:
pt1: point on the object to be moved to the destination point
pt2a: first point of the first help line,
pt2b: second point of the first help line,
pt3a: first point of the second help line, into which direction copying/moving/stretching will be done
pt3b: second point of the second help line, into which direction copying/moving/stretching will be done.
Example (with short command aliases):
Version history:
v1.00 - 13.08.2015 - first release
[...] - misc updates
v4.01 - 18.04.2019 - updated error section, added undomark
v5.00 - 21.02.2021 - misc code improvements, aplication divided for separate mode for dependent and independent (laying anywhere) objects
5.01 - 23.07.2022 - updated GET_AECBOSMODE definition, fixed bug with 3D SNAPS
File format:
-All Autocad versions, and verticals
The application comes with the long command names listed above. To create your own short aliases for these commands, go to ACAD.PGP file or Menu Manage->Customization->Edit aliases->Edit Aliases. Command aliases used in video-example: MTI for MOVETOINTERSECTION, CTI for COPYTOINTERSECTION, STI for STRETCHTOINTERSECTION.
-Demo version is limited to 4 runs per opened session and valid for one day. Platform: Windows.
Sample DWG:
Price 2 USD
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