This test function copies selected objects between opened documents (that is- between active spaces of those documents). Can be helpful when Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V stops working or when the user wants to copy objects to multiple documents at once.



;;; ================================================
;;;        COPY_BETWEEN_SESSIONS_v2_01.LSP     
;;;        Written by Andrzej Kalinowski,
;;;        v1.00 - 12.04.2020 - first release
;;;        v1.01 - 22.05.2020 - fixed bug with second session = nil
;;;        v2.00 - 31.01.2025 - added DCL window to select multiple documents
;;;        v2.01 - 03.03.2025 - fixed bug with switching to the selected session
;;;            This function copies selected objects between opened documents (it is- between activespaces of those documents)
;;;            Program has limitation to two opened sessions
;;; ================================================
(defun c:COPYBETWEENSESSIONS ( / ss1 i1 vlaObjLst curobj1 actDoc1 safArr1 docLst actspc2 doc1 TrgtDoc1 TitleLst elem1 TargtDoc)
;about vla-copyobjects
    (if (setq ss1 (ssget) )
            ;creating list of vla-objects from selection set
            (repeat (setq i1 (sslength ss1) )
                (setq i1  (1- i1) )
                (setq curobj1 (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss1 i1) ) )
                (setq vlaObjLst (cons curobj1 vlaObjLst) )
            (setq safArr1 (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbObject  (cons 0 (1- (length vlaObjLst))) )  )
            (vlax-safearray-fill safArr1 vlaObjLst)
            ;getting documents
            (setq actDoc1 (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)));activeDoc1
            (setq docLst (list) TitleLst (list))
            (vlax-for doc1
                (vla-get-documents (vlax-get-acad-object) ) ;collection
                (if (/=
                        (vlax-get doc1 "WindowTitle")
                        (vlax-get (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) "WindowTitle");active document title
                    (setq docLst (cons doc1 docLst) ) 
            (foreach curobj1 docLst (setq TitleLst (cons (vlax-get curobj1 "WindowTitle") TitleLst) ) )
                (    (= (length docLst ) 0)    (progn (alert "\nThere are no other opened sessions.") (exit) )    )
                (    (> (length docLst ) 1)    (setq TitleLst (CBS_DCL TitleLst) )   )
            (foreach TrgtDoc1 docLst
                (if  (member (vlax-get TrgtDoc1 "WindowTitle") TitleLst)
                        ;getting active space in second document
                        (setq actspc2 (vla-get-activespace TrgtDoc1 ) ); returns 1 - model; 0-paperspace
                        (if (= actspc2 1)
                            (setq actspc2 (vla-get-modelspace TrgtDoc1 ) )
                            (setq actspc2 (vla-get-paperspace TrgtDoc1 ) )
                        ;(setq lyouts2 (vla-get-layouts TrgtDoc1 ) )
                        ;(vla-get-activelayout (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) )
                        ;(setq actspc2 (vla-get-activespace TrgtDoc1 ) )
                        ;(vla-get-path (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) )
                        ;(vla-get-fullname (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) )
                        ;(vlax-dump-object (vla-get-documents (vlax-get-acad-object) ))
                        ;copying objects
                            actDoc1 ;this document
                            safArr1  ; our collection to be copied
                            actspc2 ;destination place (can be model or layout in current document or in another document.)
            (if (= (length TitleLst ) 1)
                    (foreach elem1 docLst
                        (if (= (vlax-get elem1 "WindowTitle") (car TitleLst))    (setq TargtDoc elem1)    )
                    (vla-put-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object) TargtDoc)

(defun CBS_DCL (  TitleLst /  tmpfpath1 infile1 dcl_id DBwid DBhi item2  n1)
    ;defining wigth and height of the list (length and height of the list dependant of the content of the TitleLst)
    (setq DBwid 7 DBhi 10);here wi set minimal width of our Dialog Box
    (foreach item2 TitleLst    (if (> (strlen item2) DBwid)    (setq DBwid (fix (* 1.2 (strlen item2) )    )    )))
    (if (>  DBwid 140)    (setq DBwid 140  ))
    (if (> (length TitleLst) (- DBhi 5))    (setq DBhi (fix (* 1.5 (length TitleLst))))    )
    (setq DBwid (itoa DBwid) DBhi (itoa DBhi))
    (setq tmpfpath1 (strcat (getvar "MYDOCUMENTSPREFIX") "\\TEMP1DCL.DCL") )
    (setq infile1 (open tmpfpath1 "w") )
        (strcat "
        CBS_DIALOG : dialog
        { label = \"COPYBETWEENSESSIONS v2.00\";
            : row
            : boxed_column
                { label =\"Select drawings:\";
                : list_box
                    key = list_key;
                    width = " DBwid " ;
                    height = " DBhi " ; 
                    multiple_select = true;
                    allow_accept = true;
                    value = 0;
            : text {label =\"\"; }
            : row
                    : button { key = updates_key; label = \"Check for updates\"; width = 2 ;fixed_width = true;}
                    : text {label =\"\"; }
    );write line
    (close infile1)
    ; loading DCL
    (setq dcl_id (load_dialog tmpfpath1) )
    (if (not (new_dialog "CBS_DIALOG" dcl_id) ) (exit) )
    ; creating a list to be displayed in the list box. Exaple from:
    (start_list "list_key" 3);Starts the processing of a list in the list box or in the pop-up list dialog box tile 
    A numeric value indicating the type of list operation to perform. You can specify one of the following:
    1 -- Change selected list contents
    2 -- Append new list entry
    3 -- Delete old list and create new list (the default)
    (mapcar 'add_list TitleLst)
    (end_list);Ends processing of the currently active dialog box list. This function is the complement of start_list. 
    (set_tile "list_key" "0")
    (mode_tile "list_key" 2);sets focus on tile

    (setq itemNRs "0" n1 1)
    (repeat (- (length TitleLst) 1)    (setq itemNRs (strcat itemNRs " " (itoa n1) ) n1 (1+ n1) )    )
    (action_tile "updates_key" "(startapp \"explorer\" \"\")")
    (action_tile "accept" "(setq TitleLst (CBS_GETFINALLIST TitleLst)) (done_dialog)" )
    (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog) (vl-file-delete tmpfpath1) (exit)" )
    (start_dialog);displays dialog box
    (unload_dialog dcl_id)
    (vl-file-delete tmpfpath1)
;;; ==================================================================
;                               CBS_GETFINALLIST            
;;; ==================================================================
(defun CBS_GETFINALLIST (lst01 / NrSelItms spacepoz tmplst1 elm1 elm2 AdPhr1 great1 less1 FinaList1)
    ;NrSelItms is a list of numbers with spaces between them
    ;lst01 is a list without number of items 
        NrSelItms (get_tile "list_key");Nubers of selected items from lst01 (STRING type) fe. "0 3 4 15"
        NrSelItms (strcat  NrSelItms " ");adding space at the end of the string to prevent loop stopping before the last element
        FinaList1 (list);empty list to store elements selected in dialog box
        spacepoz (vl-string-position (ascii " ") NrSelItms)

    (if (/= NrSelItms " ") ;prevents from error when nothing in the list is selected. If  NrSelItms = " " then it menas nothing in the list was selected.
        (while (/= NrSelItms "");loop unitl NrSelItms has no spaces
                FinaList1 (append FinaList1 (list (nth (read NrSelItms) lst01) ) )
                spacepoz (vl-string-position (ascii " ") NrSelItms)
            (if (= spacepoz nil);this function prevents passing nil to (+ spacepoz 2) function
                (setq spacepoz "")
                (setq NrSelItms (substr NrSelItms (+ spacepoz 2) ) );setq
    (if (>(length FinaList1) 0 ) (setq FinaList1 (acad_strlsort FinaList1) ))


Version history:
1.00 - 12.04.2020 - first release

1.01 - 22.05.2020 - fixed bug with second session = nil
2.00 - 31.01.2025 - added DCL window to select multiple documents
2.01 - 03.03.2025 - fixed bug with switching to the selected session

-All Autocad

-The application comes with the long command names listed above. To create your own short aliases for these commands, go to ACAD.PGP file or Menu Manage->Customization->Edit aliases->Edit Aliases.

Download file: COPY_BETWEEN_SESSIONS_v2_01.FAS

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