Command: MAS
but matches also other special MEP objects properties like SystemName, Insulation, LiningThickness and so on, what MATCHPROP command cannot do.
;;; ================================================ ;;; MATCH_DUCT_PIPE_SYSTEM_v2_02.LSP ;;; ;;; Written by Andrzej Kalinowski, ;;; v1.00 - 07.07.2018 - first release ;;; v2.02 - 23.04.2022 - corrected quiting the "Objects selection" loop ;;; ;;; Command: MAS ;;; Function works in style of standard MATCHPROP command but matches also other special MEP objects properties ;;; like SystemName, Insulation, LiningThickness and so on, what MATCHPROP command cannot do. ;;; ;;; ================================================ (vl-load-com) (defun c:MAS (/ obj1 sset2 type1 entlist1 i1 curobj1 sysname1 insulTh layer1 color1 Material1 LockSize1 LininTh LineW1 LTScale1 LT1 EntTransp1 gr1) ;----------------------------------------- ;selection of the first mep obj ;----------------------------------------- (setq obj1 nil) (setq gr1 1) (while (/= gr1 52) (setvar "ERRNO" 0);reset ERRNO to 0 (prompt "\nSelect first MEP duct/pipe/fitting ") (setq obj1 (ssget "_+.:S") ) (setq gr1 (getvar "ERRNO") ) (if (= (getvar "ERRNO") 52) (exit)) (if (= obj1 nil) (princ "\nWrong object");then (if (> (sslength obj1) 1);else-chekcs if only 1 obj is selected (progn (setq obj1 nil) (princ "\nSelect only one object") (princ) ) (progn ;else (setq obj1 (ssname obj1 0) entlist1 (entget obj1) type1 (cdr (assoc 0 entlist1) ) );setq (if (member type1 (list "AECB_PIPEFITTING" "AECB_DUCTFITTING" "AECB_PIPE" "AECB_DUCTFLEX" "AECB_DUCT") ) (setq gr1 52) (progn (setq obj1 nil) (prompt "\nWrong object") ) ); if );progn else ); if ); if ); while (setq obj1 (vlax-ename->vla-object obj1);0 sysname1 (vlax-get obj1 'SystemName);1 layer1 (vlax-get obj1 'Layer);2 insulTh (vlax-get obj1 'InsulationThickness);3 color1 (vlax-get obj1 'TrueColor);4 Material1 (vlax-get obj1 'Material);5 LockSize1 (vlax-get obj1 'LockSize);6 LininTh (vlax-get obj1 'LiningThickness);7 LTScale1 (vlax-get obj1 'LinetypeScale);8 LT1 (vlax-get obj1 'Linetype);9 EntTransp1 (vlax-get obj1 'EntityTransparency);10 LineW1 (vlax-get obj1 'Lineweight);11 );setq ;----------------------------------------- ;selection of the second mep obj ;----------------------------------------- (setq gr1 1) (while (/= gr1 52) (setvar "ERRNO" 0);reset ERRNO to 0 (prompt "\nSelect second MEP duct/pipe/fitting ") (setq sset2 (ssget "_:S" ) ) (setq gr1 (getvar "ERRNO") ) (if (= (getvar "ERRNO") 52) (exit)) (if (= sset2 nil) (princ "\nWrong object");then (progn ;then (repeat (setq i1 (sslength sset2) );else (setq curobj1 (ssname sset2 (setq i1 (1- i1) ) ) entlist1 (entget curobj1) type1 (cdr (assoc 0 entlist1) ) LW1 (cdr (assoc 370 entlist1) ) curobj1 (vlax-ename->vla-object curobj1) );setq (if (not (or (= type1 "AECB_PIPEFITTING") (= type1 "AECB_DUCTFITTING") (= type1 "AECB_PIPE") (= type1 "AECB_DUCT") ) ) (ssdel (vlax-vla-object->ename curobj1) sset2);then );end if );repeat ;----------------------------------------- ;matching insulation thickness property ;----------------------------------------- (repeat (setq i1 (sslength sset2) ) (setq curobj1 (ssname sset2 (setq i1 (1- i1) ) ) ) (setq curobj1 (vlax-ename->vla-object curobj1) ) (vlax-put curobj1 'SystemName sysname1);1 (vlax-put curobj1 'Layer layer1);2 (vlax-put curobj1 'InsulationThickness insulTh);3 (vlax-put curobj1 'TrueColor color1);4 (vlax-put curobj1 'Material Material1);5 (vlax-put curobj1 'LockSize LockSize1);6 (vlax-put curobj1 'LiningThickness LininTh);7 (vlax-put curobj1 'LinetypeScale LTScale1);8 (vlax-put curobj1 'Linetype LT1);9 (vlax-put curobj1 'EntityTransparency EntTransp1);10 (vlax-put curobj1 'Lineweight LineW1);11 );repeat );progn );end if );while (princ) );end defun
Version history:
v1.00 - 07.07.2018 - first release
v2.02 - 23.04.2022 - corrected quiting the "Objects selection" loop
File format:
-All Autocad MEP versions
Download file: MATCH_DUCT_PIPE_SYSTEM_v2_02.FAS
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