This function draws a block representing Paper Sheet with user defined size and scale.  
The program recognises drawing units ( mm/cm/dm/m/feet/inches). The user can select one of the predefined formats and scales
or he can define his own desired parameters. The user can also choose to make the program find automatically the nearest matching predefined size or scale, enclosing a drawn scope or selected objects.
The Program remembers choosen settings from previous use so the user doesn't have to set everything from the beginning.


This function toggles selected paper format block between horizontal and vertical orientation.


This function allows to edit the parameters of the PaperSheet Block.


With this command the user can set the plot area for a current work space (layour or model). The user is prompted to specify the area by picking the points or  selecting an object ( fe. rectangular polyline)  and the finction assings it to Page Setup Manager. The command is compatible with "PaperSheet" Blocks generated by PAPERSHEETFORMAT command. After selecting a "PaperSheet" block the command will also set the scale in the Page Setup Manager (calcula
ted according to the actual drawing units). Paper size and the orientation the user has to select manually. Modifying custom paper sizes in printers PC3 file is not possible with Autolisp.

Command: (PPP) or  PICKPAPER

This function returns coordinates of lower left and upper right corner of selected rectangle (it can be nested rectangle). Function is ment for selecting a plot scope determined by Paper Format Block created with PAPERSHEETFORMAT command or any drawn rectangle.
Function should be used when user is prompted to select the Plot Area in the Plot dialog window. When autocad asks for the first corner of the plot area the this function should be run just by typing (PPP) with brackets or 'PICKPAPER with aphostrophe, depending on software the user uses.
The user can then  just pick this rectangle or rectangle in PaperSheetBloc (no need to scroll and pick points precisely).

Examples (click to enlarge):


Inserting "Papersheet" Block

User Defined dimmensions

Finding best fitting size automatically

Editing Papersheet block

Picking plot scope

 Toggling horizontal / vertical orintation


Version history:
1.00 - 29.10.2017 - first release
[...] - misc updates
2.08 - 21.04.2019 - expanding of application to work with other paper formats, added a function to find drawing units, added PAPERFORMATTOGGLE command.

3.00 - 10.05.2020 - added "user defined scale" option, added "Draw" option
4.00...16.01.2021 - added SETTINGS option to dialog window, fixed bug with PaperSheetBlock name in PAPERFORMATTOGGLE function
5.00...11.04.2021 - added Inner Frame option
6.00...18.10.2021 - fixed bug with unknown Color when canceling Color selection in Layer Settings dialog box, fixed bug with wrong Inneframe size while PAPERFORMATTOGGLE command, added option to find size automatically, added errortrapper to PAPERFORMATTOGGLE, separated left/right/top/bottom Margins, updated LayerSettings Dialog Box, added PAPERFORMATEDIT command, added ability find Paper size based on objects selection
7.00...05.07.2022 - fixed bug with double swapping dimmensions in PAPERFORMATTOGGLE command, added editable Scale Prefix in Settings, added option to find scale autpmatically, corrected placing block with automatically calculatred sizes when margins are not equal.
7.01...23.07.2022 - updated GET_AECBOSMODE and updated GET_DEGUNITS definition, fixed bug with 3D SNAPS, fixed bug with swapping dimmensions in PAPERFORMATTOGGLE command for Blocks witohout margins,
8.00...16.02.2023 - added QUICKPAGESETUP command, fixed bug with switching Scale Info position  with PAPERFORMATEDIT command after Paper sheet block was toggled, PICKPAPER function corrected to work witch UCS and to recognise Papersheet Block (no need to select outer frame precisely), fixed wrongly calculated Blocks Insertion Point after using PAPERFORMATEDIT function with units other than mm
8.01...26.03.2023 - fixed bug with divide by 0 in QuickPageSetup, QuickPageSetup command adjusted to work also with dynamic blocks.
8.02...13.05.2023 - fixed bug with blank "show scale position" buttons when running  PAPERFORMATEDIT command.
8.03...22.06.2024 - misc. code improvements

File format:

-All Autocad versions.

-The application comes with the long command names listed above. To create your own short aliases for these commands, go to ACAD.PGP file or Menu Manage->Customization->Edit aliases->Edit Aliases. Command aliases used in video-example: PSF for PAPERSHEETFORMAT, PFT for PAPERFORMATTOGGLE, QPS for QUICKPAGESETUP

Due to Gstarcad limitations this version differs from the normal version by having additional "DrawingUnits" section where the user has to specify units of the drawing. In Autocad this lisp routine gets Drawing Units automatically.

-Demo version is limited to 3 runs and valid for one day. Platform: Windows.


Price 6 USD


  1. Your demo tool will have 03 times/ 01 day and after that in next day it can be reuser again with rule: 03 times/ 01 day. Please explain more detail, thanks bro

    1. Hello
      Demo is valid for 1 day. In that day the user can run the command 3 times in each opened drawing session.

  2. Hallo, is this program work batch with list of DWG files?

  3. The program runs quite well, thanks.
