Thank you for visiting my website. You will find here a collection of productivity plugins for AutoCAD, AutoCAD Vertical programs (like Autocad MEP) and GstarCAD. They will allow you to make you work faster as they automate many typical activities that the average user performs many times while drafting.
At the site of each program you will find its description, example how to use and access to .FAS file (compiled program file). Some aplications are free of charge
, some are paid. In case of paid programs there are free DEMO versions available to downlaoad and future updates are free of charge. I encourage you to look through the list of applications not only by name, but to actually test each one and discover what special each application offers that other alternative Lisp programs from the internet don't offer. If you have any questions, remarks or suggestion about the programs please use contact form at the bottom of the menu.

Briefly - what are LISP routines:
LISP routines are applications for AutoCAD written in LISP (LISt Processing) Programming Language. The most known LISP dialects are AutoLisp and Visual Lisp. Purpose of those routines is to automate various repeatable tasks to make work more efficient as well as to build complex extensions.

How to load:
To load Lisp routine simply drag and drop it from Windows Explorer into opened AutoCADs session or load it using _APPLOAD command.To set it to be loaded allways when opening each drawing add routine to the Startup Suite located in "Load/Unload Application" window launched by _APPLOAD command. Add also the path to the trusted locations in Options -> System -> Security Options->Trusted Locations.

See also my Lisp manager.
Copyright Terms:
The Software published on the domain autolisps.blogspot.com is a copyrighted work where stated and is protected by copyright law and international copyright treaty.
You may redistribute this software olny if you have written consent from the author.
You may not charge any fees for redistribution of this software or use any published code as part of a commercial application without written consent from the author.


  1. After a long break in programming, epidemy of Coronavirus brought me here back and I found some time to update a few of my plugins for Autocad and also to publish free Demo versions of paid programms.
    Have a nice downloading, stay home and stay healthy.

  2. Hi there, I purchased your duplicate layer and select object layer.fas files. I apploaded them, ran DUL and SOL commands and I can't get either of them to work. Am I doing something wrong? I use LSPs regularly.

  3. Thank you for downloading my application. Please read "Remakrs" section on the site of a program you purchased. Each application comes with long command name so that every user can set his own unique shortcut. In my case it was DUL for DUPLICATELAYER you saw on the video.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi, do you have a Lisp program that can import content from an Excel/CSV file into MLeader? We should be able to pick up any line we want.
