
Command: DISPROP

Displays (in form of line after line) all parameters and supported methods of an object available for visuallisp / autolisp. Object can be preselected.

Command: DISPROP2

As above but displays Properties and supported methods


As above but works with  nested object. Does not support object preselection.



;;; =================================================
;;;        DISPROP_v4_03.LSP   
;;;        Written by Andrzej Kalinowski,     www.autolisps.blogspot.com
;;;        v4.00 - 05.10.2015
;;;        v4.01 - 05.04.2020 - added DISPROPNESTED command
;;;        v4.02 - 30.05.2020 - added errorsection
;;;        v4.03 - 23.07.2022 - added separate command for displaying properties with suppered methods.
;;;        Command: DISPROP - displays (in form of line after line) all parameters of an object available for visuallisp / autolisp. Object can be preselected.
;;;        Command: DISPROP2 - As above but displays Properties and supported methods
;;;        Command: DISPROPNESTED - As above but works with  nested object. Does not support object preselection.
;;; =================================================
(defun c:DISPROP ()     (DISPROP_COMMON 0) );defun
(defun c:DISPROP2 ()     (DISPROP_COMMON 2) );defun
(defun c:DISPROPNESTED ()    (DISPROP_COMMON 1) );defun

(defun DISPROP_COMMON ( mode1 / obj1 entlist1 cnt1 entlen1 curelm)
    ;error section
    (defun *error* (msg) (princ "error: ") (princ msg) (princ) )
    (defun errtrap1 (errormsg1 / )
        (if (and errormsg1 (not (wcmatch (strcase errormsg1) "*BREAK*,*CANCEL*,*QUIT*") ) )
            (prompt (strcat "Error: " errormsg1) );then
    );defun err 

    (setq temperr *error*)
    (setq *error* errtrap1 )
    ;object selection
    (setq obj1 nil)
    (if (member mode1 (list 0 2))
            (prompt "select object")
            (while (= obj1 nil)
                (setq obj1 (ssget "_:S+."))
                (if (= (getvar "ERRNO") 52) (exit))
                (if (= obj1 nil)
                    (princ "\nwrong object");then
                    (if (> (sslength obj1) 1);else
                            (princ "\nselect only one object")(princ)
                            (setq obj1 nil)
                    );end if
                );end if
            );end while
            (setq obj1 (ssname obj1 0))

            (while (= obj1 nil)
                (setq obj1 (setq obj1 (car (nentsel "\nSelect nested object ")  )))
                (if (= (getvar "ERRNO") 52) (quit))
                (if (= obj1 nil)
                    (princ "\nwrong object");then
                );end if


    (setq *error* temperr);restoring to previous *error* definition 
    (setq temperr nil )

    ;reading of parameters
        entlist1 (entget obj1)
        entlen1 (length entlist1)
        cnt1 0
    (princ "\n------------------------------------------")
    (princ "\n               visuallisp                 ")
    (princ "\n------------------------------------------")
    (setq obj1 (vlax-ename->vla-object obj1))        
    (if (member mode1 (list 0 1))
        (vlax-dump-object obj1);Displays only parameters
        (vlax-dump-object obj1 T) ;Displays parameters and methods
    (princ "\n------------------------------------------")
    (princ "\n               autolisp                   ")
    (princ "\n------------------------------------------")
    (repeat entlen1
        (setq curelm (nth cnt1 entlist1))
        (princ curelm) (princ "\t")
                ( (= (car curelm) -5) (princ "...............persistent reactor chain") )
                ( (= (car curelm) -4) (princ "...............conditional operator") )
                ( (= (car curelm) -3) (princ "...............extended data") )
                ( (= (car curelm) -2) (princ "...............fixed entity name") )
                ( (= (car curelm) -1) (princ "...............not fixed entity name") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 0) (princ "...............entity type (fixed)") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 1) (princ "...............Primary text value") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 2) (princ "...............Name (attribute tag, block name, etc)") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 3) (princ "...............other text") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 4) (princ "...............other text") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 5) (princ "...............Entity handle") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 6) (princ "...............Linetype name") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 7) (princ "...............Text style name") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 8) (princ "...............Layer name (fixed)") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 9) (princ "...............variable name identifier") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 10) (princ "...............Primary point") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 11) (princ "...............Other point") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 38) (princ "...............entity's elevation if nonzero") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 39) (princ "...............Entity's thickness if nonzero (fixed)") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 40) (princ "...............scale-height etc") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 41) (princ "...............scale-height etc") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 42) (princ "...............scale-height etc") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 43) (princ "...............scale-height etc") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 48) (princ "...............Linetype scale. Floating-point scalar value.") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 49) (princ "...............Repeated floating-point value") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 50) (princ "...............angle (radians)") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 60) (princ "...............Entity visibility. Integer value. Absence or 0 -visible, 1-invisible") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 62) (princ "...............Color number (fixed)") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 66) (princ "...............Entities follow flag") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 67) (princ "...............model or paper space") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 68) (princ "...............identifies whether viewport is on but fully off screen; is not active or is off") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 69) (princ "...............viewport identification number") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 71) (princ "...............Text generation flag: 2=Text is backward (mirrored in X), 4 = Text is upside down (mirrored in Y)") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 100) (princ "...............Subclass data marker") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 102) (princ "...............Control string") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 210) (princ "...............Extrusion direction") )
                ( (= (car curelm) 340) (princ "...............arbitrary hard pointer to other object") )
        (setq cnt1 (+ 1 cnt1))
        ); progn
    ); repeat


Version history:
1.00 - 05.10.2015 - first release
[...] - misc updates
4.01 - 05.04.2020 - added DISPROPNESTED commandcommand.

4.02 - 30.05.2020 - added errorsection
4.03 - 30.05.2020 - added separate command for displaying properties with suppered methods.

-All Autocad

-The application comes with the long command names listed above. To create your own short aliases for these commands, go to ACAD.PGP file or Menu Manage->Customization->Edit aliases->Edit Aliases. Command aliases used in video-example: DP for DISPROP, DPN for

Download file: DISPROP_v4_03.FAS

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