This function rotates selected objects 90° about the center of selection. The user doesn't have to specify base point. Program works also in UCS. With each press of enter button next rotation is made. When objects are not preselected the user can specify other angle.
As above but rotates defaultly by 45° or by angle specified in Settings (subcommand). The user can specify the angle when objects are not preselected.
As above but rotates selected objects separately about their centerCommand: QUICKMIRROR
This function mirrors vertically selected objects about the center of selection. Works also in UCS.
As above but mirrors vertically each of selected objects separately
This function mirrors horizontally selected objects about the center of selection. Works also in UCS.
As above but mirrors horizontally each of selected objects separately
-For SPLINES and MTEXT objects with complex formatting results may not be precise.
-Results of mirroring TEXT or MTEXT objects depend on MIRRTEXT system viariable.
-Application may not work properly with VIEWPORT objects.
Example (with short command aliases):
Version history:
1.00 - 22.10.2016 - First release.
[...] - misc. updates
9.00 - 19.04.2019 - New Aecbosmode and Boundingbox definitions.
10.00 - 08.05.2020 - fixed bug with rotating viewports in paperspace, added QR2ANGLE command
10.01 - 28.07.2020 - fixed bug with unknown AECBOSMODE command
11.00 - 01.01.2021 - settings button integrated in QUICKROTATE2 command, fixed bug with empty selection, removed command reapeating with mouse click
12.00 - 22.10.2021 - fixed bug with incorrect mirroring clipped viewport, improved speed of mirroring function, corrected generating MTEXT boundary
13.00 - 23.04.2022 - added functions to rotate and mirror for multiple objects separately
13.01 - 23.07.2022 - updated GET_AECBOSMODE definition, fixed bug with 3D SNAPS
13.02 - 25.05.2024 - updated dealing with phantom objects
All Autocad versions
File Format:
The application comes with the long command names listed above. To create your own short aliases for these commands, go to ACAD.PGP file or Menu Manage->Customization->Edit aliases->Edit Aliases. Command aliases used in video-example: QR for QUICKROTATE, QM for QUICKMIRROR, QMH for QUICKMIRRORH, QRM for QUICKROTATEMULTIPLE, QMM for QUICKMIRRORMULTIPLE, QMMH for QUICKMIRRORMULTIPLEH
-Demo version is limited to 4 runs and valid for one day. Platform: Windows.
HI i see lisp for mirror for autocad can you create mirror for point?